E-Commerce Salesforce

Salesforce E-commerce Prototype

Cover image for E-Commerce Salesforce
#Heroku Connect

Had to develop an prototype for an e-commerce front-end, which would be connected to a Salesforce back-end. Heroku connect was used to sync a PostgreSQL database and Salesforce. Used Hasura as an api layer for CRUD operations.

Algolia was used for search and filtering of products.

Sanity used to enhance content creation with real-time editing, custom components, and articles. Web hooks was used to keep sanity, Algolia and Hasura in sync. Page settings, navigation and page editing was also done with Sanity.

Editing home page in sanity studio
Home Page Editing
Editing Product
Sanity Studio

Cover image
Article View
Product Page
Product Page

Tailwindcss for styling.

React and Nextjs framework.

Figma for prototyping design: https://www.figma.com/file/9SgqumzPWKFUQiGfd4W7TO/Ecommerce?node-id=0%3A1&t=9lQGOBS9ldhe2Bk5-1